Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Car Enthusiasts Unite!

With local law enforcement cracking down on car clubs due to their bad publicity, is there really an option to showcase your ride, show it off, and enjoy checking out other cars? Now there is...

The internet has opened an entirely new set of options for building networks and communities. Myspace and Facebook are two networks that are geared for people to make friends and build a network of people with similar interest. These types of networks are okay if you don't mind spam and unsolicited, undesirable emails and friend request.

There are alternatives for the car enthusiast now, with networks being created like the Auto Enthusiast Network sponsored by Majestic Modifications. This network was built for people to be able to post images, video, sound clips, forums, blogs, and every other type of media on a network of JUST car enthusiasts. It also has a tech section, where you can get free advice and support for just about anything. Its really a great way to share and get car related information.

So join today if you want to get in on the ground floor of the Car Enthusiasts Network, click HERE and sign up today!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Car Clubs - To Join or Not to Join

Car Clubs are a cool type of social network for car enthusiasts. There are many types of car clubs, and depending on your preference, you can find one that you like.

Car clubs have a little bit of a tainted image. Over the past few years, the car club scene is holding the responsibility for street racers, aggressive driving habits, and even non car related illegal activities that go on at car club meetings. Granted, this is not the majority, but it holds true that a few bad apples can spoil the bunch.

If you are a car enthusiast like me, and would like to be apart of a car club with other car enthusiast, and are not interested in street racing or anything else that is commonly associated with the car club image, then you might be out of luck in a lot of areas. Car clubs have become illegal in some cities and states. For instance, in Athens, GA it is illegal to form or be a part of a car club. These new laws are a direct result of a small handful of street racers that were found out to be a part of local car clubs.

Street racing is extremely dangerous, and has resulted in too many premature deaths. There are places where you can safely and legally test the limits of your car, such as at the drag strip or at an event like "Tuner Fest Shootout" in Commerce, GA. These types of events allow clubs and individuals to come and race or drift for prizes in a controlled environment. There are also car shows and contest, concerts, and concessions.

Even some of these types of events are starting to get a tainted image though, mainly because of the influence of alcohol and the showcasing of women. These types of events are considered by many to be imature and a high risk for illegal substance abuse, DUI, and domestic violence.

If that's your crowd, then you should fit right into the scene. If it's not, then there may still be hope for you yet. With mediums such as Myspace, Facebook, and other social media concepts, it is much easier to find people with similar interest in your area. You can take the car club idea a step further and start an actual organization with some sort of secondary purpose. For example, I have heard on one organization where several car enthusiast got together and formed a car club that is not only an organization of car enthusiast, but they also have a rec sports team and are involved in community service projects like the relay for life, habitat for humanity, and other worth while community contributions.

Car Clubs aren't a bad thing at all, it just depends on the reasoning for forming the group. The perks as listed just above can be great. You can also have a little more buying power with a group if you organize what car accessories you need for the whole group, and then do a group buy. This type of purchasing can offer bigger discounts on auto parts than just buying one or two items at a time.

So if your interested in starting a Car Club, do some research on the local laws and see if its legal. Then get your goals of the organization together. It should have a secondary purpose that the community can embrace. Next, find your enthusiast and star customizing!